Ever wish you had an organized program for storing templates, emails or replies? Even chat board posts? Would you like a regular place to work on auction templates and source code you gather on the net? Zoomplates has room for thousands of templates, so don't worry about filling it up. The program is completely free and we hope you like it.
The calculator is handy when you need one. The plus and minus are add and delete template.The binoculars are the search feature. You can search by # or word description. The wrench is to modify or change a template. So, click the wrench to change it. The two files is a copy feature. Just click it and you are ready to paste the template. The globe is to view the template in your default browser, so you can see how beautiful it is. The colored box on the far right is a hexadecimal color chart so you have one when you need it.
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