CLICK HERE FOR SPLIT WINDOW to drag and drop from Deadzoom Folder to Music Generator. Hint: Use YOUR Back Button to back out of split window. Hold down your Ctrl key and scroll with your mouse to adjust the size of your PC screen.
1) Login and Upload your music files on the left side.
2) After uploads are completed, Highlight (Click link once to highlight) the https:// music link and drag/drop link into right window field box (Side 1) box above or copy paste the link. Do Not drag/drop the img src= tag. It will not work.
3) Repeat steps 1 and 2 for side 2.
4) Click "Create Tag" and your code will generate below in text box.
5) Click "Test" to test your button. If you like what you see and hear, hit YOUR back button and go to the next step.
6) Click "Highlight All" and copy paste the code into your Description box on your eBay sell page. Make SURE you are on the HTML tab before you paste.